The finishing product is FABulous! This is Moo, doing the most masculine pose he's capable of. He is a wonderful dog though, and we love him!

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The finishing product is FABulous! This is Moo, doing the most masculine pose he's capable of. He is a wonderful dog though, and we love him!
THIS, is totally my favorite shot, the dance that he totally rocked!
Mike displaying early signs of post traumatic stress.
I thought I'd include some pictures of other groups that performed that night as well. I thought they reflected some of the more traditional aspects of the Chinese culture.
This is one of my freshman classes performing a rendition of their favorite Communist era song.....nah, just kidding, their costumes would make you think that thought wouldn't they?
Mike and I totally have a group of old people who meet everyday in our apartment building to practice this!
Apparently the Americans got it all wrong. Snow White's husband was decided on amidst cigarettes and a heated card game. This performance was sooo freaken hilarious!
Mike, taking it all in...I take FOREVER to take pictures so in this one, Mike is really just being patient with me...what a swell guy!
And of course, the trees.....and me. Everyone has got to travel with at least one piece of flair. Mine, is my Burberry sunglasses, with the obnoxiously large, I just might be a movie-star, but you'll never know look to them.
Mike was such a stud and made not one but two separate trips to the store (which is a half hour bike ride away) to find the right size pan for the pie! What a charmer! Mufasa helped out by joining team "SCRAP: search and rescue".
My little toaster, totally the grown up version of an "Easy Bake Oven"....lol.
What started out as a relatively simple project, ended up lasting more than eight hours. Boiling the pumpkin, mashing it down, figuring out how to substitute for the ingredients we didn't have.
The result was decadent! I don't know if I can ever go backed to canned again. It totally made my Thanksgiving. The best part was that it all took place with a single burner and a toaster oven! That's classic.
ASIANS, because they're that much fun!
The completely RANDOM things you find, never imagining their existence. Like this feather-plucker for example.
And of course, the street vendors! LOVE it, definitely one of my favorite things about traveling. Some of the best food I have ever had cost less than a dollar.
This is my life, welcome to it : )
They led us to Mufasa and as they said good-bye informed us that we could not travel by bus, subway, or train with the dog so we would need to take a taxi....
Umm.......excuse me?!?! We live Jinan, yea....five hours away, I'm NOT taking a taxi!@#
So ensued the fiasco, dodging security as we snuck Mufasa back to our hotel, keeping in mind the two bus transfers and three subway transfers we took to avoid taking a taxi. We.are.so.cheap....I know. This took much longer than expected, plus Moof was a mess and needed grooming, which in and of itself was a nightmare. But I'm really focusing on all bad things and not filling you in on how cool Beijing really is, despite being over-run with tourists. We did get a chance to see two of the major tourist attractions that Beijing has to offer. Tienanmen square and the Olympic venues. Here are a few pictures of us.
Mike totally got the short end of stick. We had already purchased our return tickets on the D-train (the luxury fast train) only to find out that Mufasa was not allowed. So we agreed that there was no need for both of us to lose our seats and we split up. It was hell as he took a taxi to no-where, traveled to all four of Beijings train terminals trying to find the 'pet-friendly' terminal, hitching a ride in rush-hour traffic, and having to stand on the third class train with a crying dog. Love you VERY much!