Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Almost everyday we ride through what are referred to as 'villages'. They consist of tightly quartered homes and business with very narrow streets.
It's hard to acurately describe villages and these pictures don't do it justice, but I hope they help. The villages are very traditional and actually being phased out by the government and replaced by high-rise apartment buildings. While this may seem terrible, I can't imagine that the cramped quarters are very comfortable to live in and most are very old and in terrible condition.
The communities within these villages are very tightly knit. They all support one-another both emotionally and financially. They could probably subsist on their own for quite some time. I caught this picture of three generations and thought it was so typical. People sitting out in front of their home enjoying the weather, life moves at a different pace here.
Real men play chess. Chinese Chess is soo incredibly popular here. They have little 'gaming corners' all over the city where men gather and compete, or just watch. This is an average sized crowd that has gathered on a Sunday afternoon to watch two people duel it out. Notice the stools they are using, they are huge here. They are cheap, easy to make, and portable.
Construction is everywhere and you can never guess what's going to be gone next. The other day Mike went out to get water and the same place we've gone since September. He came back saying that the entire street had been torn down and was no longer there. It's crazy, where do these people go?
I consider myself a candy connoisseur, and it's under this title that I make it my duty to try all things that look good...at least once. I found these a few weeks ago and have been DYING to come back. They have a crepe-like exterior and a creamy filling that comes in three different flavors: red bean, white cream, and a vegetable-type filling. The lady thought I was a total freak for wanting to take a picture with her but whatev. What can I say, I dig Asians.
Mango ice-cream smoothie...mmmm...
Someone left home without spraying on their Cling-Free.....Mike thought it was HILARIOUS.
The leftovers bag was strategically placed in the center of the table.
The finishing product is FABulous! This is Moo, doing the most masculine pose he's capable of. He is a wonderful dog though, and we love him!
THIS, is totally my favorite shot, the dance that he totally rocked!
Mike displaying early signs of post traumatic stress.
I thought I'd include some pictures of other groups that performed that night as well. I thought they reflected some of the more traditional aspects of the Chinese culture.
This is one of my freshman classes performing a rendition of their favorite Communist era song.....nah, just kidding, their costumes would make you think that thought wouldn't they?
Mike and I totally have a group of old people who meet everyday in our apartment building to practice this!
Apparently the Americans got it all wrong. Snow White's husband was decided on amidst cigarettes and a heated card game. This performance was sooo freaken hilarious!
Mike, taking it all in...I take FOREVER to take pictures so in this one, Mike is really just being patient with me...what a swell guy!
And of course, the trees.....and me. Everyone has got to travel with at least one piece of flair. Mine, is my Burberry sunglasses, with the obnoxiously large, I just might be a movie-star, but you'll never know look to them.