Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Santa

A few years ago, I was here: In the middle of Siberia...hahaha not really, just southwest Utah, working with a bunch of hippies and living out of a backpack. It was a wilderness rehabilitation center for 'at risk' youth.
It's funny how I grew up planning the life I thought I would lead, only to discover my greatest adventures were the ones I didn't plan for. I made some wonderful friends during my time at Redcliff. My time there could be described as puppy love and granola.
This is how I would look going INTO a shift, that's not a smile, that's premature frostbite that's frozen my facial muscles as a result of the ZERO degree weather I was about to live in for approximately eight days, six hours, fifteen minutes, and three point five nanoseconds.

See exhibit A: Oh why, yes, in fact I am homeless! This is what 18 days in the wilderness wearing the same clothes (no sicko, not underclothes) looks like. If your wondering what I'm doing, I'm supervising.
After hiking miles at a time in extreme weather conditions the most peaceful time of day is sleeping beneath a blanket of stars on a therma-rest I could have worshiped as my god I loved it so much.
This is a prime example of who I worked with, times eight. Just for good measure make sure to throw in a good dose of obnoxious behavior, adolescent hormones, and eight different ideas for how life that week should go. Most ideas not including living in a desert out of a backpack. Although you have to give the little sucker credit, he did smile for the photo.
This is my partner in crime, the one who taught me to love....well, the wilderness for one. LOL.

Now let me bring you back even further to my first ever experience backpacking. and had absolutely no clue what I was in for. P.S. is Mike hot or what?!
What's funny about this picture is that I really thought that this was going to be the hard part. I had no clue.
This is me turning back to Michael saying: 'are you sure this is the right way??'
Kim: MIKE we made it!!! We need to commemorate this moment with a picture.
Michael: It's really not a big deal, it wasn't that big of a mountain.

Ummm, may I ask a question? Why did we just climb a mountain in the snow with no snowshoes and I'M THE ONLY ONE SWEATING!
Hahaha-karma's a bitch.
The 2,364th time we lost the trail. It was at this point, while clinging to dirt with a backpack that weighed more than I did-I really began to question Mike's directional skills.
This is the 493,670th time we lost the trail. Mike decided it would be a great idea to make our own.
This looks like a beautiful spot to sit.and rest.and work out the kinks and misplaced vertebrae. Like many times to come I had to hand it to the guy, he knows how to show a girl a good time, by the time we finally found the real trail I was hooked.

So, with Christmas around the corner, I'd like to make one last request to Santa. I don't want diamonds, cars, or fancy clothes. What I'd really like is some mountains. But I'll settle for anywhere I can run, walk, and hike with a fifty pound pack attached at the hips. If your really going for broke, you could also throw in a killer dutch oven dinner.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mr. Ducati, meet Michael

After 2,372 days of anxious anticipation my worst nightmare, I mean Mike's dream has come true. Meet the 'Monster'.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Shakira is Amazing

Shakira's latest release for 'Did It Again' is brilliant! The choreography between the two dancers in this video is unparalleled by any other videos released by artists in the last decade. All this is a matter of opinion though, so for your viewing pleasure (all two people who read this blog) Shakira.

Was I right or what?! I mean common, they drop from the ceiling! How cool is that!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Itch or Addiction?

If you look closely at the picture below, you'll see what might resemble shoes. Those would be my bright pink traveling Crocks. The kind of shoes you can wear at any time and feel protected. I feel the same way about those Crocks as my mom did when she once pulled out a pair of black shiny stretch pants and called them her travelling pants-because they never needed ironing....and black goes with everything. I'm sure everyone is as equally appalled by my pink shoes as I was by her black pants confession. That doesn't make me any less in love with them, mostly because of the memories I associated with them.
Tonight Mike suggested we take the dogs for a walk and as I stepped outside I pushed my feet into soft, worn, pink rubber. It's funny how I've taken a million pictures but it only takes a single object to remind me what I love most in this life.
I miss this: Mike telling me it would be a grand idea if we pack three hundred pounds on a hundred c.c. scooter through the Lao Jungle. You know you're in for it when every village you stop at takes one look at your bike then tells you to turn around while you still can. I miss stopping at random huts to share fruit with the locals and having a conversation using only universally understood body language.I miss discovering the million differences that separate one life from the next, but cultivating that one commonality.I miss discovering a village in the middle of nowhere, and you'd swear they'd never seen your shade of white. And dang-it, I just miss that excitement that bubbles out when you are soo excited and curious about the next place on your trip if only you could nail down a destination. p.s. That's Mufasa's infamous 'black bag', and yes, he's in there. S0 I guess, in this unique turn of events that my world, instead of disappearing behind a number of JPEG's has simply become a little more concentrated than I'm used to. Which only makes it more of an adventure as I try to adventure and explore in the United States of don't leave central Florida.

Monday, November 2, 2009


When I move to a new location I always give myself one day to not stress about all the responsible things yours supposed be taking care off. I am like, seventeen days past that. In those seventeen days though I have totally domesticated my life....and I am so excited. I've picked out window treatments, bath towels, and throw pillows, accent vases, hangers (yes, special ones), and kitchen accessories. One of the perks of dating a metrosexual is that Mike doesn't mind the decorating process, which doubles the fun when he gets as excited about a Calphalon Unison Nonstick Frittata pan as I do. So just to give you a taste:
Two of our throw pillows for the sofa and a matching lamp shade.
How can you resist cinnamon stick napkin rings!
Okay, so the quality of this photo stinks. I won't go into why....okay, so I tried for like fifteen million hours to load the official picture of the product, all to no avail. I can be so computer illiterate sometimes it's painful. So you get this, a photo of a photo. So here she is, our beautiful 'buchanan' in 'harvest yellow'. Due to December. No, not the beginning. The end of December. Don't ask what we'll do without a couch till then. I'm sure we'll think of something.
We are so excited to move in and have a place that we can call home for awhile. I just hope we can stay excited about being immobile. Traveling seems to be an itch we can't scratch. So for the next few years, while we finish school (please, let this be the last time) we're shacking it lake-side, Kissimmee style.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Four Thousand Miles

Have you ever asked a person, that you know sucks at driving if they thought they were good? Ninety percent of the time, they'll say 'yes'. Everybody, but me that is. I'm the person who on the first day of buying a new car came home 'yes honey, I had a great day', 'no, nothing too exciting', 'how did the car drive?....'OH, fine','why so quiet?', ' reason....' *long pause* 'okay I did a three-sixty while entering the freeway on-ramp and almost got creamed by thirteen different cars!'silence on the other end. 'In my defense it was raining and nothing happened to the car.'
So you can imagine how daunting a 3,000 mile road trip might seem....alone, with an emotionally dependent dog. So, we washed the car (I know what your thinking, because Mike said the same thing, but I won't start a road trip with a dirty car), lubed it up, and got her loaded. The first thing that became clear when I started the road trip....was that I should have picked up new windshield wipers, the second was that Mufasa refused to sit in the passenger seat. It wouldn't matter how many times I put him in the passenger seat, because he would nose and poke his way back over into my lap.
So here we are at mile 658, at a beautifully glacier-fed lake in the Yukon.
I know this just looks like more of the same, but isn't this what's in your point of view for approximately 98.76% of the road trip?
Mike and I drove together when we moved up to Alaska, and of course he drove during all the snow-storms, but this time around, I was all on my own. So balls to the wall, I white knuckled my first snow-storm zipping around curves at a speedy 41 miles an hour. Oh yea.
I took this picture on day two just before leaving B.C. and this area was super cool because its where I saw black bears, moose, caribou, mountain goats, fox, and deer!
And then I entered apathetic Alberta....and this is pretty much how things looked till I got to St. Louis.
I have to confess. I have a secret obsession with books on tape, which seems innocent enough, except....Mike HATES them. Which poses a problem when you spend 85% of your time with the same person, right? Except on this trip, and trust me, I took full advantage by renting no less than six books on tape....and yes, I finished them all before arriving in St. Louis. Confession number two, sometimes I would drive four hours longer than I really felt like solely to continue to listen to the book. I know, TMI.
Bookworm took a break to visit Mt. Rushmore, and can I just say I was disappointed by it's size.
OMG, I was soo excited to see this man. Four 3/4 days is a long time when you spend all your time together. Obsessed much. This was taken at the St. Louis Zoo, which was free-fifty-free, along with all their other museums and exhibits.
Who doesn't love newborn butterflies, less than fifteen minutes old!

Mike was obsessed with this map, looking at it every 20 minutes to make sure we were making every possible wrong turn, I mean 'scenic' route possible. Never mind the GPS, 'it's taking us in circles'.

Stop and stretch breaks. The Civic has held up fairly well, and cross your tickets, break downs, or accidents!We call him our little desert dust boy. Mufasa didn't know what to do with himself when things weren't freezing outside. He's contemplating the Everglades.

Not to leave you hanging, but we arrived safely in St. Cloud, Florida. After pulling into the driveway we stopped the car, turned our heads and gave each other the biggest 'what next' look we've had in three years.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

No, I wasn't born in Alaska.

Mike and I both work as bartenders on a train in Alaska that operates from Seward to Talkeetna and back. While doing this, we discover that the average person either has a surprisingly low IQ or packs their brain in with their luggage...because these are only a few of the common concerns a tourist will voice.

Scenario A

After walking off the ship, onto a train facing the ocean, they turn to me and ask "Which way will this train be going?"

Scenario B

Guest: Which way will this train be going?
Me: South.
Guest: Well I'll need to switch spots with someone because I can not ride backwards.
Me: The train will be completely full today, but after everyone is loaded, I'll see what I can work out.
Guest: Well, I just can't ride backwards or I'll get sick.
Me: Have you ever ridden backwards before?
Guest: -long pause-
Me: You can actually see the scenery for longer while riding the train backwards.
Guest: -whoooshhh-this is way over my head-I just can't ride backwards.
Me: -pause-breathe-smile- I'll work something out. 

Also among the more amusing things I overhear:

"I came up to Alaska to see the penguins."

"Look honey.....GLACIERS!!!"

"When are we going to see a moose?"

And the best part of my job......picking out all the people who bought shoes exclusively for the cruise. You can spot them a hundred yards away, and it's hilarious. Seventy five year old couples who bought hiking shoes, regular walking shoes just won't do....this is Alaska. We're going to need major footwear for all these lodges we're staying at.....LOL. And I would be amiss if I didn't mention the matchy matchy. Matching blue coats with matching totes, it happens more than you'd think. 

While this post may seem like it's dripping with sarcasm, I smile and share a soft chuckle with myself while typing this. Knowing that in four hours, I'll be up and on the train at 2:30a.m. doing it all over again.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Northern Exposure

We descended into the brisk (a kind word for f*%#@! cold) weather of Alaska. The fact that Ms. Redoubt has blown her fury and ash all over Alaska meant that in addition to the ice and snow, even beautiful year-round greenery took to a hideous shade of grey. Michael was determined that he not lose his tan, so he set up his lawn chair on the ice blanketing the lake. I heard him mumble something about the reflection of the light and getting burned on cloudy days. I was going to laugh, but damn the boy makes cold look so cool!
I'm not was really cold when we got here. We drove through the mountains and stared at all of the piles of snow that were bigger than we were.
 Because of the crazy hours we work during the summer, we have to send Mufasa to doggy-day-care via our good friend Tammy (really, your a life-saver!). Well, the tides turned and as fate would have it, the day after we arrived both her and her husband were leaving town and needed someone to care after the animals. The animals including a Rottweiler (who weighs more than Mike), a Yorkie/Chihuahua mix, two independent cats....and Mufasa. 
One day we got really adventurous and loaded them into our car to hike at a nearby bog park. We arrived happily confused because we had been looking DOG park, only this was a much more scenic option. 
I enjoy running, especially when it includes tuning the world out and jamming to RiRi or other especially classy artists. One particular run I decided to put Sasha (the dog that outweighs me by at least 50 pounds) on a leash to you know, motivate me. She pulled the leash every few feet, trying to stop and obsess at some invisible pheromone....but having prepared myself for this was ready and tugged her bag in line. After a few blocks we had both established zen and I was rockin out center stage space cadet style when WHAMMM, DRAG (Kim-I'd like you to meet the pavement. Asphalt-meet Kim), rocks, barking...and panic ensue. This is when it would have been helpful to be aware of the two Rottweilers approaching from the opposite direction. And yes, It was that embarrassing...welcome to my life :) 
But on a brighter note-we saw our first moose of the season! The fact that it really was this close is only one of the reasons I love Alaska. Yakay, and the reason it's blurry is because I had like two milliseconds to capture this moment with mother nature. Was it that he looked like he's giving me the 'don't make me chase you' stare or the fact that I looked like a half naked tourist and I couldn't tune out the laughter from the passing motorists?? Maybe both.Sasquatch, Davy Crockett, Old Yeller....they ain't got nothing on us. Mike, Mufasa, and myself had a hell of a time climbing and conquering Flattop, an Anchorage peak that lies at about 3500 feet. Keep in mind you start at sea-level. I'm totally justifying. Just so we're on the same page, in preparation for the upcoming work season...I'm rebelling against my beauty products for the weekend. So don't be a hater.  Mike, being an unconventional guy....felt the need to descend the mountain in a very, unconventional way. He tried his darndest to get me to slide down the mountain with him, but I was too terrified of triggering an avalanche. I was a wiener, I know. Aside from the fact that this picture is horribly overexposed, I love how quintessential Alaska this picture is.I am typing this blog post approximately 127 miles from boo#2. All of this writing's making me miss you. Muah, and all my love to Mufasa. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

When life brings you down

Laugh your heart out, just a few of my favorites. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Little Soap Box: Call it blogger suicide .

Mike and I have been dating for roughly six years and one of the most commonly asked questions of us is: When are you two going to get married- you know tie the knot, make a family, take the plunge??? Which leaves me in the rather awkward position of saying....never. Actually I turn the question around and ask them why I would want to commit myself to an institution that fails more often than it succeeds. But I realize that in most cases I talking to a wall, because the idea of marriage is so readily accepted in society that to oppose such an act is blasphemy, or at least borderline insanity.
I've long shied away from addressing the topic, so clearly linked to my views on religion to spare my family any hurt this belief causes. However, my good friend Kirsten Uhler ( recently wrote a paper on traditional marriage. It required hours of research and from conception I was anxious to read her thoughts on the matter. There were several points made in her paper that reflected my own views toward marriage, and I thought to myself....what a good ice-breaker!! And while this post is in no way meant to be a comprehensive argument against marriage, I am merely attempting to establish a few...points of reason.
Most people argue that by repeating verbatim a set a words in front of a person of questionable integrity that your relationship is magically transformed to something that transcends differences and into self created euphoria. The reality could not be further from the truth. In all likelihood, your relationship will continue on the same path it trod prior to 'the happiest day of your life'. While I realize the words symbolize a commitment to each other, that commitment is entirely attainable outside of a legal or religious realm. What's interesting to me is that same commitment that was supposed to draw the couple closer is often the same commitment that serves as their demise. Marriage lulls you into a sense of complacency and comfort. Standards are relaxed and soon the very traits that attracted you towards your companion are the very things which are soon lost in the tide of time. 
One of my original discomforts with marriage was the fact that I had to pick just ONE person to share my ENTIRE life with, often at age when self discovery has just begun. The very idea that two people can maintain a relationship that fulfills all of their physical and emotional needs is slim, as shown by the statistics. I believe that it is possible, even convenient to be able to find such a person, but the reality of the situation is that those people at some point will grow in different directions. It is then, as adults we should acknowledge that fact, and move on in a more positive direction instead of pressing forward in what can only be a oppressive relationship in some sense or another. 
Kirsten Uhler, in her paper on traditional marriage ( nailed down another key argument. "I believe structure, stabilization, security, and consistency can be achieved without a legal marriage contract. A stable "family unit" can exist in a non-traditional sense." God aside, those are exactly the sentiments and judgements an unmarried couple is subject to regardless of reality.
 The vows you repeat come with no 'club' manual divulging the secrets to maintaining a happy relationships, you simply stand alongside the billions of other couples trying to see past differences and share your life with someone who, for the moment at least...makes you smile, laugh, kiss, and cry. 
Six years out, Mike and I  continue to stay in shape, try new things, listen and address each others problems, aggravate, romance, and support one another. We continually ask about each others happiness and satisfaction in the relationship and have established a happy open relationship with each other based honesty, trust, and love. We both know that if the other person is not happy, we would rather say good-bye to see them happy than have them stick around and be miserable. I wouldn't have it any other way.
p.s. I mean really...drawing up a legal document that evolves around a passion based emotion?? Really?? 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Noo Yawk

The greatest thing about visiting the east coast is that there is so much history within a road trips grasp. Mike and I just could not pass up an opportunity to a) visit my spermination destination b) reunite with long lost kin c) and sight see in the city of dreams. So we emailed my sister Emily, rented a car, and packed our bags. All of your typical road trip scenarios ensued: fast food pit stops, music jam sessions, and throw up. Lesson learned: don't let Mufasa chew the entire bone in five minutes it won't come out the right end. 
With the help of Brent's GPS (much thanks!) we made it to New York in.....later that night, it took a long time okay. Eric and Emily let us shack up at their place for the night. She's so effortlessly artsy fartsy it kills me. 
They had some big news to share.......HER EGGO IS PREGGO!!! 
People always told me New York could feel like home in five minutes or less. The NYPD's finest made a believer out of me. 
It's no secret that Mike and I are spontaneous. Inevitably though, there have been situations which we were unsure of, and when this happens we simply look at each other and say......'balls to the wall baby'. Crass, I know but it reflects our life's view of no regrets and no reservations. So, in our honor......balls on the bull. 
The Statue of Liberty has always been to me, the epicenter of New York. The symbol of hope and freedom to millions, whether their dreams saw reality or not. Naturally it was among the first things we saw. So, if you look reeaally hard, that small dot on the left of us is Lady Liberty herself. And really, given we only had one day in New York, and since we didn't want to wait in line for hours on end to get tickets, this is what we got. 
Eric and Emily were phenomenal. I mean really, every living relative that visits them in New York wants to see the same things...and they humor them. We wanted to visit some things they hadn't seen as well. The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States and upon completion , the longest suspension bridge in the world. 
You ever have one of those days when it feels like every five minutes your posing for another picture...side by in front, one in back....arms around each....okay, give me something new. My budding genius 
The calories were falling off of us and by block 20 we all agreed that lunch was a great idea. Emily found an amazing gyro joint. Ordering food from a stall had me reminiscing on Asia...but not for long because these things were DELISH
What would a trip to New York be without strolling through CHINATOWN! We showed them the markets with their herbal medicine and gutted fish, I busted out all five words of Chinese and had the Asians shaking their heads at the crazy tourist who tried to say 'fish' in Chinese. So in true Chinese fashion....Cheese!!
And no matter what anyone tells you, Teuscher Chocolatier is NOT family owned and operated because despite all our best efforts they refused to give us Eric and Emily a discount. Each and every bite of my $3 mini bar was savored.  
Below you'll find an excellent specimen of raw skill. Never mind what's popping in on the lower right hand corner. The Empire State building in all it's romance and glory. No, those aren't pinatas at a Mexican birthday bash....we're in little ITALY. You know, and I'm so glad we went here because we never made it there the first time around. Can you believe there was only ONE Gelato shop...isn't that some sort of rite of passage over there? 
Isn't this quintessential New York. Now, I realize that these aren't post card perfect...but they are seen through imperfect eyes, so cut me some slack. (take that Hallmark!) And can I just mention that 'the ball', you know, the one that's ginormous on T.V. every year was so miserably undersized I felt deflated when I realized what I seeing. So here we are, two crazy nut's on a day pass from the psych ward. Do we look excited?Do you ever soap off twice in the shower after returning from what you might deem a particularly 'dirty' day, because you just don't trust that the soap got off the first time whatever that guy on the subway sitting next to you had, so you do it again...just to be sure. I do.